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CANADA: Federal | First Nations
BC | Alberta | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | Ontario | PEI | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Yukon | Other Funding


Type of Aid: Grant
Amount:$16,000 to $33,000, depending on household income and the need to install specialized equipment, among other things.
Eligibility Requirements: All people with disabilities whose limitations affect their everyday activities are eligible for assistance, provided:

  • They submit a report from an occupational therapist, demonstrating that their impairment is significant and persistent, and that the disability requires alterations to their home.
  • They are not eligible for residential adaptation assistance under the insurance plans offered by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec or the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail.

Steps in the application process:

  1. You should obtain a copy of the Program registration form from your local community services centre (CLSC), or from the SHQ. Once completed, the form should be sent to the SHQ, along with the necessary supporting documents.
    If you are a tenant, you must first obtain your landlord’s permission for the work to be carried out in your dwelling. The landlord, as the building’s owner, must also complete part of the application form.
  2. The SHQ then forwards your application to your municipality or RCM and to the health institution responsible for producing the occupational therapist’s report.
  3. A representative from the municipality or RCM will visit your home and draw up a list of admissible work, based on the occupational therapist’s recommendations.
  4. The homeowner must obtain one or more bids from contractors holding the appropriate licences from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec.
  5. Work must not begin until authorization has been received from the municipality or RCM.
  6. The homeowner will receive the financial assistance once the work has been completed and the municipality or RCM has checked to ensure that it has been carried out as agreed.

For further information: Contact your municipality or RCM , your local CLSC or  the Société d’habitation du Québec.

Type of Aid: Partial Grant
Amount: The financial assistance corresponds to 75% of the maximum recognized costs for completing the project, based on the number of rooms. The assistance amount is higher for the most remote villages.
In cases of non-profit organizations or a housing cooperative that develops housing for families or clients in particular situations, the financial assistance corresponds to 90% of the recognized maximum costs.
Renovation Assistance:
The financial assistance granted to an owner for renovating his/her residence corresponds to 50% of the total cost for the recognized work, up to $87,500. The project must have a cost of at least $20,000.
Eligibility Requirements:

  • Residents of the Kativik region aged 18 or over, i.e. individuals whose principal residence has been located in the Kativik region for at least a year, or Inuit people who are beneficiaries of the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement


  • Cooperatives and non-profit organizations having their head office in the Kativik region and owning residential units covered by the program that are intended for residents who are not in their employment.

Contact: To enroll in the program or obtain information about certain construction standards applicable in northern communities, contact the Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau at the following address:
1600 Akianut Street
Kuujjuaq, Quebec  J0M 1C0
Telephone: 819-964-2000
You can also contact the Société d’habitation du Québec to find out how to submit your application for financial assistance.

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